What is the maximum number of URLs you want to optimize? *
Cost: $0.50 per URL ($20.00 minimum)Money-back guarantee ($100)
Either let our AI select the best URLs to optimize (recommended) or click here and enter the URLs you prefer us to optimize below.
Who are your brand's competitors? (Optional)
List your top competitors by their brand name and their domain.
Example name: Adidas
Example website: http://www.adidas.com
Brand Voice.
What is your ideal brand voice?
Our AI has identified your current brand voice as the following (may take up to a minute to populate).
For optimal results, please edit the information below to be your ideal brand voice.
What are terms that you do NOT want to include in your AI-generated content? (comma separated) (Optional)
Example: negative terms that may be affiliated to your industry (such as "car accidents," "collisions," and "dangerous" if you sell cars)
What are terms that you do NOT want to include in your AI-generated content? (Optional)
Total: ($250.00 USD discount applied)